Friday, September 3, 2010


Day 1....

Today I stepped on my scale...and this happened ----> :(
I have gained 4 pounds! For some ppl this isnt a big deal, but for me -who's been trying to lose weight for EVER now - this is a bummer. I have a horrible relationship with food. I like it, way too much. All of it, but mostly the worst of it. Chocolate? heck yeah....cookies? yes cream!!!!!!!! I have what you would call a sweet tooth. And its killing me :( So today I begin my blog that will hopefully help me express my feelings and help me with my weightloss goals. I want to share it all with you internet world. All of the ugly binges and stacks of belly fat. You see, I've recently moved to follow my boyfriend to his college of choice. I am looking for a job so I have a lot of free time. So I eat. and eat. and watch tv. Not so great for my weight issues. TODAY is day one. Please give me the support I need to make it to day two.